A New Year’s Profile
“Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. “Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded.”—Phil. 3:13–15.
As the New Year gets underway, I think it would be a good idea for each of us to design which will help us in knowing how to spend the next twelve months.
Rather than aimlessly coasting along, it makes sense to me that we should develop a game plan. For the sake of our Christian development, our Christian testimony and our Christian influence, let’s make some commitments and then follow them.
Here are my suggestions—
1. Read Your Bible Every Day!
I recommend you get up a few minutes earlier, at least thirty minutes, in order to read and pray. It would be good if you ended your day the same way. You cannot stay alert, you cannot grow spiritually, you cannot defeat the Devil, and you cannot be fruitful—unless—you dig into your Bible and ingest it deep within yourself.
2. Be in Church Three Times Every Week!
You can’t get too much preaching! You need the blessing of Christian music! The fellowship with other Christians will be good for you, too. The thing you have to decide is—do you want to be there? If the answer is “Yes,” you will find a way!
3. Create a Prayer List!
I recommend you have an immediate, urgent-need list and another list with names of your family, preachers, etc., for whom you pray daily. You will secure answers from the Lord, and your fervent prayers will have a positive impact on you personally.
4. Create a Prospect List!
It is one thing to pray “for the lost,” but when you create a list of names, that will get more attention from you. These “prospects’ are people who need to be saved and for whom you are going to work to reach them.
5. Grow Spiritually!
Far too many of us are still spiritual babies or toddlers for five or ten years after we are saved. This profile is designed to help you grow in the Lord. Becoming a mature Christian is not that hard, but you’ll have to devote yourself to it.
6. Be a Good Steward!
Is there any doubt that the Lord wants us to tithe (Mal. 3:8–10)? Is there any doubt that it is also a New Testament doctrine (Matt. 23:23)? When the Lord asks something, there is always one or more good reasons for it. If you and I do cheerfully what the Lord asks of us (II Cor. 9:7), He will be pleased, and I’m convinced we will be blessed.
7. Attend Good Conferences!
When you attend extra events like our National Sword Conference, our reciprocal Sword meetings and the Sword Men’s Conference, you will get your spiritual batteries charged and learn many helpful things.
8. Be a Helper!
Get plugged in! (Rom. 12:6–8) You may not be able to do what some do, but you can, and you should do something. Talk to your pastor and find a spot where you can help. And don’t be too proud to accept a menial assignment.
9. Follow and/or Lead!
If you have been chosen to lead a group, an event, etc., then take charge and lead it with enthusiasm. If someone else is leading, you should follow the leader! No one is a good leader without having first been a good follower. So lead, follow, but don’t get in the way.
10. Believe God!
Whatever the Lord says, we should believe it and act on it. His Word should not be up for debate or denial. As you read the Bible, just believe it and heed it.
11. Keep an Eye on the Sky!
Jesus is coming again someday (John 14:3). We do not know when, but we know it could be anytime (Matt. 24:36, 44). Therefore, we should be diligent in our duties and vigilant in our preparedness for His coming (I Thess. 4:13–18, 5:1–10).
12. Keep Dreaming!
Jesus said that we are to “occupy till I come” (Luke 19:13). That means we keep working, keep preaching His Word and keep winning souls right up to the moment of His arrival. To do so, we must maintain our vision, our burden and our commitments. So, it is important that we keep dreaming about the coming tomorrows and what we will do with each of them.
This brief profile can be an outline for success if we commit to it and go with it. I hope you will accept my urging and my encouragement to do so. We need you, and it will be, I believe, the very best thing for you personally.