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Your Past Is Past; Let It Pass!

In a recent visit to Romans, chapter 8, I was impressed afresh with the absolutely amazing pro­visions the Lord God has supplied for you and for me. The very first verse provides a mountainous vantage point that I want to call shouting ground.

When we read Romans 8, we, like the apostle, understand that we are but men. Men are frail, flawed and fickle. Men fail frequently. What they did yesterday is already in the past today, but the shadow of it lingers today and tomorrow. But here is why we are living on shouting ground.

“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”—Rom. 8:1.

Clearly some things are never the same again because we received the Savior.

1. Consider the pronouncement, “No condemnation.”

When we ask, “What’s the penalty?” or, “How much do I owe?” the answer is, “Nothing.” And here’s the reason why:

“For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh.”—Vs. 3.

2. Remember: “to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.”

That’s two things basically—get saved and live the Christian life. When you come to Christ and you live a spiritual life, you have the peace in your heart that all is well between you and the Lord.

3. Notice the timing: “There is therefore now.”

This provision of the Lord for us is an immediate acquisition when we come to Christ. It “is.” That’s present tense. It is “now.” That’s today.

So you do not have to carry the burden of your past like a heavy weight upon your back.

If we learn even one thing from the scriptural biography of the apostle Paul, it is that the Lord can get you beyond your past. You do not have to be Saul of Tarsus forever.

If we learn even one thing from the apostle Peter, it is that a coward, a cusser and a compromiser can overcome the past.

If we learn even one thing from Moses, from King David, from John Mark, it is that you can put the past behind you.

Some of you may be harboring bad memories from the junk pile of yesteryear where you once lived. Although you can’t forget it entirely, you can ride your forgiveness of it right up onto the higher plane of shouting ground.

Go ahead; let it be known. The “you” of today is a different “you” than the “you” of past years.

Accept humbly and gratefully what the Lord has made real to you. Let the past be past. Let go of it. Cling to the promises of Scripture and to the One who made the promises. He will help you put your past in the rearview mirror and carry you forward into the coming tomorrow.

You do have a future, either here or in the hereafter. Don’t muddle up that future by reliving the past. With the Lord’s help you can let the past be the past and press on victoriously.

Look forward, dear friend; enjoy today and anticipate a great tomorrow.

Amen! Amen!

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