The Engrafted Word

Just this morning I finished a series of radio messages from James, chapter 1. All 10 of them will air on our network of stations, social media platforms and the Sword website in February.
After getting insightful instructions on a number of important matters, namely, temptation (vss. 2–4, 12–15), wisdom (vss. 5–7), doublemindedness (vs. 8), views and values of life (vss. 9–11), caution against error (vs. 16), the source of our good and perfect gifts (vss. 17, 18) and anger (vss. 19, 20), we then come to verse 21. It says:
“Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.”
This verse notes two things—one negative and one positive. It tells us to set aside the old life. There is no place in the Christian life for “filthiness” and “naughtiness,” but even though we are saved, the old sinful nature is still within us. Therefore, the struggles between good and evil are ongoing.
So how do we get victory over the bombardments of the world, the flesh and the Devil?
1. “…receive with meekness.” Instead of saying, “I can handle it, I will figure it out, etc.,” admit that you can’t handle it yourself. Tamp down your ego and your pride.
2. Look to the Lord and His “engrafted word.” Let me suggest that we absorb the fact that if we read and study the Word (really take it in), it will have a major, fruitful impact on us.
Here are 10 passages to consider:
Ps. 12:6, Ps. 119:9, Mark 12:24, I Peter 2:2, Col. 3:6, Ps. 19:8, I Cor. 10:11, Ps. 1:2, Ps. 119:47 and Josh. 1:8.
When you have “engrafted” the Word of God into your heart and mind, you’re going to be well-served and you’re going to like the results.
We make no apology for making a big to-do over the Bible. We preach it, teach it and believe it without reservation. It is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God. Therefore, it should be authoritative in our lives. Every time I walk to a microphone, I hold in my hands the King James Bible, which is God’s Word preserved (Ps. 12:6, 7) for us in English. If you and I will stop listening to the critics and put ourselves under the authority of God’s revealed truth, we will grow stronger in our faith and become a fruitful servant of the Lord. The “engrafted word” is the answer. Amen!