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Becoming a Christian Is Easy; Being a Christian Is More Difficult

Becoming a Christian Is Easy; Being a Christian Is More Difficult When we say that the Gospel is “good news,” it is truly the best news you’re going to hear in your lifetime. All of us are sinners (Rom. 3:23). By nature, by choice and by practice the sin record is well established. That record is not without consequence (Rom. 6:23a). It creates a debt that we ourselves could never pay. It condemns us (John 3:17,18) and it puts us on a path that ends up in Hell (Luke 16:19–31).

But hold the phone! There’s more that you must not miss. Jesus came and paid our debt for us (I Cor. 15:3,4).

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that,

while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.”—Rom. 5:8.

When we sing,

Jesus paid it all; All to Him I owe.

Sin had left a crimson stain;

He washed it white as snow —Elvina M. Hall

we are singing the amazing truth of God’s Good News for all of us.

Yes, we can go to God’s Heaven; we do not have to go to a Devil’s Hell.

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves:

it is the gift of God: “Not of works, lest any man should boast.”—Eph. 2:8,9.

So, yes, in spite of our struggles and in spite of our sinful status, becoming a Christian is easy be cause of the goodness and grace of God.

Being a Christian Is More Difficult

Once we are saved, the Christian life begins. We are no longer on our way to Hell, but we are still living in the flesh. The old, sinful nature is still alive in us; but now we have a new spiritual nature. As long as we are earthbound, these two natures are going to be locked in a battle for control of our lives.

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary

the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.”—Gal. 5:17.

Whether the Spirit of God or your own flesh dominates you will be determined by which one you feed. If you give the Spirit of God the priority He deserves, you will begin to look like a Christian, talk like a Christian and act like a Christian.

On the other hand, if you watch trashy TV , troll the internet swamp and give liberal entertainers your attention, your flesh will continue to control your life.

Getting Victory and Living a Christian Life Can Be Done

If you have an addiction to drugs, alcohol or tobacco, you can have victory over any or all of it.

If you have anger issues, you can conquer them.

If you are a gossip, you can stop. If you are dishonest or a thief or a cheat, you can turn away from such things.

If you use foul language, you can clean up your vocabulary.

If you have an ego that is raging, you can solve that too.

The problems that our old, sinful nature produces are many; but every single one of them can be handled and brought into subjection as we yield ourselves to the Lord.

So, Let’s Get Started Toward Victory

1. Find a good, solid, uncompromised church and get in it.

2. Go to Sunday school.

3.Be in church Sunday morning, Sunday evening and for the mid week service.

4. Take notes as you listen to preaching.

5. Read your Bible daily.

6. Pray often.

7. Start tithing. 8. Take the soul-winning training and start going on visitation with a mature Christian.

9.Take in special Christian events like revivals, Bible conferences and the National Sword of the Lord Conference.

10. Read this newspaper, the Sword of the Lord.

You Can Do This

Whatever your struggles, the Lord can help you get from where you are to where you need to be.

Others of us have been through all of this. We are on this journey of faith and happily we can tell you that it can be done.

So, listen up, dear friend, and let’s get going on this. If any one of us can do it, then you can too.

God is no respecter of persons. He will do for you and with you just like He does for others.

Getting saved is easy, but the Christian life is more difficult. That’s true enough and you’ll need to be sure you are saved to get started.

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